Welcome to the Klickitat School District for the 23-24 school year!

  • Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!

    Dear Klickitat,

    We look forward to seeing students later this month as all grades return to the classroom on Wednesday, August 28th. This first day back will be an early release at 1:25 PM; the school campus opens at 7:40 AM, and class starts at 8:00 AM. Cost-free breakfast and lunch are available to students daily.

    Our Klickitat School Board has tasked our school with preparing students to be lifelong learners, developing essential skills, competencies, and attitudes fundamental to becoming responsible citizens in the 21st century. This new 2024-25 school year is another shared opportunity for us to work on and fulfill this vision for the benefit of our students, the Klickitat community, America, and beyond.

    Last year, we made significant progress in the essential skill of regular, on-time ATTENDANCE. Together we must continue supporting our students to be at school on time and ready to learn each day!

    As our students attend school regularly, they deserve to benefit from and have access to a viable curriculum, safe and orderly learning environments, and school staff that challenge, motivate, and inspire them. Our school staff and I work to guarantee the viability of our classrooms and curriculum to ensure learning happens as our students show up and attend each day.

    Our school does not act in isolation from the community. It is essential that the school, families, and community all work together to secure the best learning opportunities for children and youth at the school and across Klickitat. I appreciate the support and engagement from everyone who cares for and supports our Klickitat kids, and I invite you all to invest in a year of learning this 2024-25 school year!

    • Help kids get to school on time and ready to learn each day!
    • Ask kids what they are learning and what they are READING (and/or read to them)!
    • Come and see us at the school! Office hours on school days are 7:40 AM to 4:00 PM, or you can contact me anytime via email. I would love to hear your ideas and your willingness to volunteer or share your talents, skills, time, and energy in support of our kids, classrooms, and community!

    With hope and appreciation as we enter this new school year!

    Kendrick Lester

    Superintendent -Klickitat School District #402


    (509) 369-4145

    Kendrick Lester Photo